
Garden Log Cabin Security – 10 Top Tips to Secure Your Garden Log Cabin

30th June 2022

Garden Log Cabin Security – When you’ve made the investment in a garden log cabin, there’s a good chance there are some items you want to keep in there permanently. Log cabin security becomes a priority when these items are expensive or hold sentimental value.

Being a victim of theft isn’t great at any time, but log cabins are often targeted as they tend to be away from the main building. This means it can be easier for thieves to strike without being discovered – but there are plenty of steps you can take to help prevent this.

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Garden Log Cabin Security – 10 top tips for garden log cabin security

Here are 10 top tips for log cabin security that will give you peace of mind and help to keep your log cabin and its contents safe.

1. Invest in good-quality locks for doors and windows.

Make sure they’re fitted properly and can’t be easily forced open. Loghouse log cabins are always manufactured with quality locks designed to provide security and safety. If you’re unsure whether you’ll need to upgrade your locks or want to add additional log cabin security features, just ask us, and we’ll be happy to advise.

2. Install a security light.

This will help deter thieves and make it easier to see if anyone is trying to break in. If the light is designed to come on automatically at certain times or is triggered by motion, this is even better.

3. Use a security camera.

This can be a great deterrent as well as helping you to identify any thieves if they try to break in. If you have a smart security camera attached to your cabin (such as a Ring doorbell), it can deter thieves who will know they’re being watched and could be caught on camera.

You’ll also get alerts to your phone should motion be detected, and security lights can be integrated into the smart system for even greater log cabin security.

Loghouse Log Cabins Scotland, Caulders Garden Centre, Mainhead Farm, Old Inns Roundabout, Cumbernauld, Glasgow G68 0EP, United Kingdom, Phone: 0330 912 0420, Email: sales@loghousecabins.co.uk, Website: www.loghousecabins.co.uk

4. Get an alarm system.

Again, this is a great way to deter thieves and alert you if anyone tries to break in. If you have a log cabin that’s attached to your house, you may be able to use your existing home alarm system.

5. Garden Log Cabin Security – Keep valuables out of sight.

If you have any valuable items in your log cabin, it’s best to keep them hidden away where thieves can’t see them. A safe is a good option, or you could hide things in inconspicuous places like floorboards or behind false walls.

Of course, this isn’t always possible as items such as computers or TV screens might be too large or bulky to hide away. However, other items such as watches, jewellery, laptops, and other smaller items should always be kept somewhere safe.

6. Don’t leave tools lying around.

Thieves often use tools such as ladders or crowbars to break into log cabins, so it’s important to ensure they can’t find any lying around. If you have any tools in your garden, keep them locked away in a shed or garage.

7. Keep the area around your log cabin clear.

Thieves often use bushes and trees as cover when they’re trying to break in, so it’s important to keep the area around your log cabin clear. This will help deter thieves and make it easier to see if anyone is trying to break in.

Can you insure log cabins?

8. Get to know your neighbours.

If you have good relationships with your neighbours, they can keep an eye on your log cabin when you’re not there. Good neighbours can watch over your property while you’re away for a holiday, while you’re at work or when you’ve popped to the shops.

9. Keep your log cabin well-maintained.

A well-maintained log cabin is less likely to be targeted by thieves as it will be obvious that it’s well looked after and in regular use. This means regularly checking for any damage, repairing it, and giving the log cabin a fresh coat of paint every few years. Check out our blog post for log cabin interior painting ideas

Thieves will be unsure whether you’re currently using the cabin and may look for an easier target.

10. Keep temptation to a minimum.

When a thief goes to the effort of breaking into a log cabin, they want to ensure it is worthwhile. If you have blinds or curtains in your log cabin, you can close them, and the would-be thieves won’t be able to ascertain what is inside.


Loghouse Log Cabins Scotland, Caulders Garden Centre, Mainhead Farm, Old Inns Roundabout, Cumbernauld, Glasgow G68 0EP, United Kingdom, Phone: 0330 912 0420, Email: sales@loghousecabins.co.uk, Website: www.loghousecabins.co.uk

Garden Log Cabin Security – How do I secure my Garden log cabin?

Log cabin security is a two-step process. The first step is deterring anyone from breaking in, while the second step is making it as hard as possible should they decide to proceed.

Security lights, cameras, and alarms can provide a visual deterrent that keeps most thieves at bay. Additionally, if there’s nothing on show that is worth stealing, some thieves simply won’t go to the effort of entering your log cabin speculatively.

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That said, log cabin security is only enhanced with strong locks on the doors and windows. It is vitally important to remember to lock your log cabin office door when you have finished working, exercising, or relaxing – even if it is only for a few minutes.

It is also important to have the correct insurance in place should the worst happen and your log cabin is broken into or damaged. A good policy should cover the cost of any repairs and the contents inside your log cabin, such as furniture, equipment, and valuables.

There will undoubtedly be requirements for log cabin security in any garden log cabin insurance policy (including the types of locks on the doors and windows), and it will be important to keep the temptation to a minimum. If you happen to leave a crowbar lying on the ground next to your log cabin window or door, the insurance company is unlikely to take too kindly to it.

When it comes to log cabin security, taking a few simple precautions can make all the difference. By following the tips above, you can help keep your log cabin safe and secure.

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